Logos Maintenance Services

Carpet Cleaning

We combine practical technology with sustainability

Indoor carpeting should leave your commercial space looking neat, aesthetically pleasing, and welcoming for anyone stepping foot inside. Businesses opt for carpeting due to its flexibility in terms of texture, style, and colour, but heavy foot traffic is enough to put your investments at risk of stains and deterioration.

Debris Removal

Normal vacuum to remove any metal or sharp debris embedded in the carpet to prevent damaging to carpet machines.

Odour Elimination

Rinses and clean the carpet while eliminating the smell.

Lift and Extract

Powerful twin rotating brush together with high suction opens the carpet and extract underlying filth effectively unlike normal vacuum.
Leaving behind a clean carpet for you.

Why is Carpet Cleaning important?

Pest Infestation

Colony of pest like dust mites and ticks forms rapidly even if it’s a new carpet in no time. Causing rashes allergies and itchiness.

Stains and Dirt

We look our beverages but spills and leaving a stain leaves a bad impression and a sign of negligence to customers and employees. It also omits odour when prolonged. Thus, leaving a challenging task in removing it later.

Harmful Air Quality

Foreign particles we brought to our office from our clothing and shoes, colony of mites and ticks coupled with moisture breed’s trouble. Circulating air system does not solve the problem with people breathing in poor air and employees getting sick or allergy reaction like sneezing and itch.

Other Solutions


Anti-viral Preventive Disinfection

Scheduled disinfection mediate the risk of harmful pathogen and viruses preying on your workforce.


Deep Cleaning

Routine cleaning is part of maintenance and deep cleaning goes further.



We refresh and remove odour and harmful foreign bodies, leaving you a clean working swivel chair.

Get a free consultation
from us!

Our business account team will contact you to understand your requirements and develop a be-spoke service to meet your expectation.