Logos Maintenance Services

Active Probiotic Cleaning

Effective probiotic cleaning products contain more beneficial bacteria

We all know chemical has a certain limited effect to us. We used it every day since it is available to us. But, in Probiotic cleaning we use live products that feed on organic matter. When you spray probiotics onto a surface, it releases billions of beneficial bacteria that get deep into cracks and crevices to seek out dirt, so they are actively colonising the surface and actively devouring harmful bacteria for days with just single application.

You might notice lesser dust as the good bacteria is working at a microscopic level and hence it also benefits the air quality as lesser dust settles onto the carpet and lingering in the office air.

We know the importance of working with nature and constantly seek new ways to be a 100% green and sustainable business.

Other Solutions


Contract Cleaning

Especially in time of global pandemic, regular and effective cleaning is part of the routine.


Deep Cleaning

Routine cleaning is part of
maintenance and deep cleaning goes further.


Anti-viral Preventive Disinfection

Scheduled disinfection mediate the risk of harmful pathogen and viruses preying on your workforce.

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